Whenever people discover I was a prosecutor, in Jamaica , they tend to ask the same questions: Did you ever prosecute murderers? Have you ever been threatened by a criminal? Weren't you afraid? Did you ever send someone you thought was innocent to jail? Has any criminal ever confessed to you? Have you ever encountered someone you prosecuted out of court? Would you prosecute someone you know? 1. Did you ever prosecute murderers? Yes . Prosecuting murderers is commonplace for Jamaican prosecutors. Within a year (or less) of joining the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Department, a prosecutor would have prosecuted a few murders. This is primarily because of the high murder rate, an inadequate number of judges, courtrooms and prosecutors in relation to Jamaica's escalating crime rates. The government has, through the years, added a few judges, prosecutors and courtrooms, but the numbers remain inadequate to deal with Jamaica's ever inc...