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Practicing Law with Integrity

According to Jamaica's General Legal Council's website, fifty-seven attorneys have been disbarred between 1978 and 2018.  Below is a breakdown of the numbers:  1978 - 1 1988 - 1 1990 - 1999 - 8 2000-2010 - 27 2010-2017 - 18 2018 - 2 (to date) The majority of these attorneys were disbarred between 2000-2010; the period right after the passing of The Legal Profession (Accounts and Records) Regulations, 1999. The regulations, which are still in force, require attorneys to maintain separate accounts for client funds and provide the GLC with records of their management of client accounts. Between 2010-2017 there was a 33% decline in the number of attorneys disbarred and while will have to wait to see what the next 18 months will bring as the number of disbarred attorneys to date is upsetting, not just for the public but also for attorneys who practice law with integrity. One does not have to read the rulings published by the Disciplina...
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