REPORTING STAGE Go directly to the nearest police station and make an honest report there. Give the police a brief report of the incident - state whether or not you knew the assailant - provide a detailed description of the assailant - state the location of the attack - whether or not the assailant was armed - if yes, what with. In the perfect world, the police should delay recording the victim's statement at the time of the report. Please insist on being taken to the doctor first. The report can be taken as soon as you are emotionally able to do so. The police must escort you to the hospital. Pursuant to JCJ Force Orders: No police officer must instruct you to return the following day! MEDICAL EXAMINATION STAGE A vaginal examination will be conducted. Vaginal swabs and smears will be taken from the victim. This is not a painful procedure. If anal sex was involved please inform the doctor. The doctor will take a swab also. IF you were struck by your ass...